I'm using the latest Beta version (x64) on Windows 10.
How can I use the "and" filter to search inside Word files (*doc or *docx)?
I've tried this to no avail:
The | symbol is supposed to represent the "and" filter (from what I read somewhere on the Board.)
I'm looking for all files containing both "maison" AND "house" in the same file. And I'm not looking for similar words, like maisonnette or household.
Thanks for any tips!
How can I use the "and" filter to search inside Word files (*doc or *docx)?
I've tried this to no avail:
The | symbol is supposed to represent the "and" filter (from what I read somewhere on the Board.)
I'm looking for all files containing both "maison" AND "house" in the same file. And I'm not looking for similar words, like maisonnette or household.
Thanks for any tips!
Statistics: Posted by PeterPan8 — Mon Jun 17, 2024 3:04 pm