Hi Guys,
This problem is not specific to Everything 1.5 1380a (64)
I am using Windows 11 and using Ethernet Network on smb
I have 4 PC and a Dune HD Pro One 8K Plus (Media Player with storage attached)
I have a problem renaming Folders on a network drive attached Dune HD Pro.
I like all my Folder names to be in capital letters.
My problem is converting lower case Folders into upper case Folders
E.G: testfolder > to> TESTFOLDER.
I get this ERROR applet open up in windows 11 when I try to do this'
"The Source and destination filenames are the same"
If I recreated the exact same scenario on one of my other
PC on the network running windows I do not get this message:
"The Source and destination filenames are the same"
It is happy to rename the Folder.
Could anyone please explain how I can fix this problem?
I have tried Everything 1.5, Bulk Renamer and other programs to no avail.
P:S I think the Dune HD Pro used a Linux base O/S ??
Thank you for your assistance.
This problem is not specific to Everything 1.5 1380a (64)
I am using Windows 11 and using Ethernet Network on smb
I have 4 PC and a Dune HD Pro One 8K Plus (Media Player with storage attached)
I have a problem renaming Folders on a network drive attached Dune HD Pro.
I like all my Folder names to be in capital letters.
My problem is converting lower case Folders into upper case Folders
E.G: testfolder > to> TESTFOLDER.
I get this ERROR applet open up in windows 11 when I try to do this'
"The Source and destination filenames are the same"
If I recreated the exact same scenario on one of my other
PC on the network running windows I do not get this message:
"The Source and destination filenames are the same"
It is happy to rename the Folder.
Could anyone please explain how I can fix this problem?
I have tried Everything 1.5, Bulk Renamer and other programs to no avail.
P:S I think the Dune HD Pro used a Linux base O/S ??
Thank you for your assistance.
Statistics: Posted by Flourgrader — Wed Jun 12, 2024 11:34 am