Searching for java will match a lot of files ending with .java
Please try limiting your results with an certain extension.
For example, if the files you are searching are images, search for:
*.jpg will match only files with the jpg extension.
If the files you are searching are word documents, search for:
What type of file are you looking for? (image/video/document etc..)
Consider the filter bar (View -> Filters)
Select Audio/Picture/Video and search for: java
Note: Selecting Document will not help as *.java is consider a document.
Please try limiting your results with an certain extension.
For example, if the files you are searching are images, search for:
*.jpg java
*.jpg will match only files with the jpg extension.
If the files you are searching are word documents, search for:
*.docx java
What type of file are you looking for? (image/video/document etc..)
Consider the filter bar (View -> Filters)
Select Audio/Picture/Video and search for: java
Note: Selecting Document will not help as *.java is consider a document.
Statistics: Posted by void — Fri Jul 26, 2024 11:54 pm